City Port Saint Lucie State Florida (FL)

County Saint Lucie
Type P.O.Box
Metro Area Port St. Lucie, FL
Region South
Division South Atlantic
Geo Coordinates 27.250109, -80.383096
Zip Codes 8
*USPS accepts this alias for mailing purposes



Census 2010: 181,438
Estimated: 193,094
Growth: 6.04%
White 141,192 64.49%
Hispanic 31,838 14.54%
Black 30,632 13.99%
Other 8,592 3.92%
Asian 4,639 2.12%
Indian 1,605 0.73%
Hawaiian 453 0.21%

Gender and Age

Females 93,295 51.42%
Males 88,143 48.58%

Median age 32.41
Median age for females 33.00
Median age for males 31.76


Total households 69,266
Persons per household 1.947500
Income per household $32,564.00

City At a Glance

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

34953 65,052
34952 40,730
34983 39,247
34986 26,092
34984 14,635

Least Populated

34987 7,338
34984 14,635
34986 26,092
34983 39,247
34952 40,730


34987 16%
34986 10%
34952 6%
34984 5%
34953 5%


34983 1%
34984 5%
34953 5%
34952 6%
34986 10%

Younger Crowd

34953 35.20
34983 39.70
34987 40.70
34984 41.60
34952 50.50

Older Crowd

34986 51.60
34952 50.50
34984 41.60
34987 40.70
34983 39.70

Highest Income

34987 $51,394.00
34986 $47,744.00
34984 $44,702.00
34953 $43,270.00
34983 $39,149.00

Lowest Income

34952 $34,253.00
34983 $39,149.00
34953 $43,270.00
34984 $44,702.00
34986 $47,744.00


Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes